Combine a magical journey aboard The Ghan with all-inclusive touring in Darwin and Broome, featuring Kakadu, Litchfield, Jumping Crocodiles, a famous Cable Beach sunset camel ride, cruise to Dampier Creek and Roebuck Bay, the Dampier Peninsula and Willie Creek Pearl Farm. The Ghan to Darwin with 5 nights in Darwin, luxury coach touring, flights to Broome and 6 nights in Broome with luxury coach touring. Experience everything that Darwin and Broome have to offer in this 15 day all-inclusive luxury coach touring package. Discover Kakadu, Katherine, Darwin, Dampier Peninsula and Willie Creek Pearl Farm as well as enjoying a famous sunset camel ride along Cable Beach. Themes include: Kimberley Tours, South Australia, Northern Territory, Western Australia, Departs from Adelaide, Ghan, Luxury Coach, Returns from Windjana Gorge. + Show more
Ghan with Darwin & Broome All-Inclusive
15 Day Train + Touring Package
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Optional Upgrades
Ghan Expedition Upgrade
The Ultimate Ghan Experience. Upgrade to the ultimate “Ghan Expedition” for a special extended 4 day train journey allowing you to stop and really immerse yourself in some of the most remote yet captivating parts of Australia in style and luxury. Extras Include: extra night aboard The Ghan, extended off-train excursions and special BBQ dinner in Alice Springs, immersive Katherine touring/cruising options, full day in Coober Pedy where touring options come with gourmet lunch. The additional time taken creates an incredible, one-of-a-kind Ghan experience. The popular Ghan Expedition (4 day, 3 nights) operates from Darwin to Adelaide only between April and October. Upgrade your package to incorporate the amazing “Ghan Expedition”. + Show more